Сultural, historical and visual studies in photography
St.-Petersburg, Russia
academic program: 16-18 May
side program: 15-24 May
Preliminary schedule for the After Post-Photography academic program
European University in St.-Petersburg
(6/1a, Gagarinskaya street):
(Please mind that this is the draft version of the program. The exact timing of talks and panels is being confirmed)
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
17.00 — 20.00
Keynote 1: David Bate (Westminster University/UK): The Optics of Data Flow
Keynote 2: TBA
Thursday, 17 May 2018
9.30 — 18.00
Registration and welcome speeches
Keynote: Galina Orlova (European Humanitarian University/Southern Federal University): Anonymous Photoarchive, Digitization, Recycling
Panel 1: Materiality as photography’s past (photography in historical perspective)
Michelle Henning (University of West London/United Kingdom): ‘The Power Behind the Lens’: Photochemistry and the Transformation of Sensory Experience in the Case of Ilford Ltd.
Stefanie Klamm (Staatliche Museen Berlin/Germany): Photo-Objects: The Materiality of Photographs and Photographic Archives and Their Role in the Production of Knowledge
Daria Panaiotti (European University St. Petersburg/Russia): “On the Improvement of the Administration of Photography in the USSR”. Towards the Institutional History of Soviet Photography.
Inessa Kouteinikova (ARTIKA/Netherlands): Photographer of Natural history, World and Herself
Panel 2: Digital/Data/Technology as Photography’s Present
Birk Weiberg (Zurich University of the Arts/Switzerland): Computational Photography as a Material-Discursive Practice
Kris Belden-Adams (University of Mississippi): ‘The Earth as It Never Appeared’: N.A.S.A.’s Whole-Earth Photographs as ‘Photographic’ Digital Synthesis
Christian Schulz (Braunschweig University of Art): Mobile Photo Filters — a Digital Processed Layer on (Nearly) Everything
Rowan Lear (University of West London): The Body Behind the Camera: Photographing as a Gesture of Computation
Friday, 18 May 2018
10.00 — 18.30
Keynote: Andres Zervigon (Rutgers University, NJ,USA): The Photographic Lens: Fully Visible and Transparent
Panel 3: Photographic Strategies: New Perspectives
Denis Skopin (St.-Petersburg State University): Martin Heidegger’s Aesthetics and Photography
Natalija Arlauskaite (Vilnius University/Lithuania): Index in Thickness: Photographic Image in Animated Film
Juliane Wenzl (Braunschweig University of Art): More Than One Decisive Moment. Multi-perspective Moments and Movements in Composite Photographs
Sebastian Haller (Independent Researcher/Austria): Renaissance of Reality? A Discourse Analysis of Augmented Reality (AR) in the Discourses of Technology, Journalism, and the Humanities
Panel 4: Photography as Production or Creation (or both)
Virginia Mcbride (Rutgers University/USA): The Snapchat Monteur? New Parameters for Photomontage
Vivian Sheng (The University of Hong Kong): Nikki Lee’s Projects of Multiple Selves: Performing Identities and Group Memberships
Olga Davydova (St.-Petersburg University): Photo-Book as a Form of Photography Production and Existence
Keynote: Winfried Gerling (University of Applied Science, Potsdam/Germany) and Sebastian Moering (University of Potsdam/Germany): The Detachment of the Image:On the History, Ontology, Aesthetics, and Practice of Screenshots and In-game Photographs
Wrap-up and thank you notes.
The draft side program of the conference (15-24 May in various venues in St.-Petersburg) will be published before 30 April